Jorge Oviedo



It all starts with my grandfather, a Cuban publicist. From my childhood, at his hand I began my journey through the world of the visual; Photo after photo, logo after logo, I had my first contacts with the textures, shapes and colors that today define my work.

In my youth, while studying Advertising BANG! I discovered cameras and photography and decided to dedicate life and senses to them.

I traveled to Buenos Aires, Argentina, studied photography and worked as an assistant to different photographers, expanding my technical skills and my vision, in a mixture of experience, passion, knowledge and the definition of my own style.

I work as a photographer for advertising campaigns, always reflecting my personal style and a special interest in highlighting details, trying to see beyond what a single image reflects, for Advertising Agency such as , DDB, Ogilvy & Mather, Leo Burnett, McCann Erickson, and brands like Ford, Coca-Cola, Gerber, Bancolombia, Citibank, Hbo, Universal Movies and Netflix.


HBO, Agencia Soul, Avianca, Bancolombia, Cerveza Aguila, DDB, Ejercito de Colombia, El tiempo, Eveready, Falabella, Ford, Gatorade, General motors, JWT, Leo Burnett, Lowe/SSP3, McCann Erickson, Café de Colombia, Nestle, Pietran, Publicis, Renault, Movistar, Caracol, Revista Shock, Revista Soho, Supercable, Scott, Sony Music, Totto, Tigo, Twingo.